Homepage about Genealogy by Bart van Gurp

Genealogy Homepage of Bart van Gurp

Content Genealogy Homepage

To get in touch with genealogists who research the same families as I do, I have made available a part of the pedigree-chart of our children Tobias and Nikki. (A pedigree-chart is a survey of ancestors. If you as a genealogist come across here with persons or family-names in which you are also interested and you make contact with me, then I will gladly exchange information with you. What I show here is only a tip of the iceberg!

You can contact me via the visitor's book.

Pedigree-chart of our children

On account of privacy, information of still living people in the pedigree-chart of our children is restricted. Every ancestor covers one page and related people are linked to each other. A survey of all the children is always given on the page of the father. At the page of the father there may be a reference to an appendix concerning his family. Because the pedigree-chart is in Dutch I have made a list of translations of the most important Dutch words.


The main families of the pedigree-chart are: van Gurp (Breda, Rotterdam), van Gorp (Goirle), Stegers (Westervoort, Alkmaar), Nuijten (Breda), Willemsen (Lent, Rotterdam) en Schneijderberg (Klundert, Rotterdam). About these surenames there is more general information available.

If you don't feel like walking through all pages, you can also use the index on surnames which is added to the Dutch version of this page. In the index all persons are shown who are mentioned in the pedigree-chart. This makes it easy to see if there are people in the pedigree-chart in which you are interested. In the index the numbers of my ancestors are mentioned between brackets. You can also go directly to an ancestor:

Of u kunt in de getekende versie van de kwartierstaat zoeken.


At this moment I research the following topics:


My publications on genealogy:

* You can order this publications in pdf-format via the visitor's book.


Finally a few genealogy-links.

General links for genealogy research:

Since April 14, 1996.